Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gloom, despair and agony on me

Today was the last day of the year for the Mother's Day Out program I work at. Normally, I would have called in sick on a day like today because I thought that maybe I was going to cough up a lung or something this morning. It seems my horrific allergy might actually be something a little more serious like a horrific cold, or bronchitus or a tumor or something. But I didn't want to miss the last day because everyone knows you get gifts on the last day. Oh, I kid. I'm sure someone would have brought me my gifts even if I wasn't there. But I thought it would be bad form to call in on the last day. So, anyway this year was my first experience working with two year olds and let me just tell you that it will probably be my last. I love the program and the fact that our church uses it as a ministry to moms who need a break from their kids two days a week. I completely understand that moms of two year olds need a break from them every now and then. I also understand that I can no longer be the person to give those moms a break. Next year, I'll be giving the moms of babies from six to nine months a break and I'll be the mom of a two year old who needs a break. Do you see the irony?

I'm thinking babies will be good for me because I still remember what Jake was like at that age and also that age group can't yet run away from you or talk back. Or shake their heads back and forth as fast as they can in a "no" gesture while screaming at the top of their lungs. Or climb on tables and stomp their feet while running around madly until you catch them or they fall down and start crying. Are you pickin' up what I'm layin' down?

Don't get me wrong. They can be sweet. I've had several tender moments with each of these kids over the past year and I'm desperately trying to hold onto those memories instead of remembering what my last hour with them was like today. Because you see, today I got bit. Twice. By two different kids. Within ten seconds of each other. One girl came up to me and started off by hugging me and then all of a sudden I realized I was feeling blinding hot pain coming from my upper arm. When I looked down, I saw teeth embedded in my shirt and a crazy look in her eyes. As I ripped her off my bicep and told her in no uncertain terms that it is NOT okay to bite Miss Kim, I felt another pain in my other arm. Which had been preceded by the words "I can bite Miss Kim". Oh, no he didn't. But, yes he did. My left forearm was blindsided by a little boy who should seriously consider trying out for the part of the shark in the next Jaws movie.

All year long I've cleaned their poopy diapers, wiped their runny noses, kissed all of their boo boo's and now I will forever bear the indentations of their sweet little teeth on my once smooth skin. Sweet, sweet memories.


  1. I tell you, it's really not the first impression, it's the last that people remember! There's always that one kid that has to do everything against the rules. Damn rebels! Next year there will still be screaming, but I bet there will be much less biting... they have no teeth!

  2. You are a brave and wonderful woman! I would not have lasted a full year in that room. I have nothing but praise for you! Thank you from one mom who knows how much of a blessing it is to leave their child (or children) in great hands. I know those kids love you!
