Monday, September 16, 2013

The dream of the sea

For Jake and Emma Mae, my babies. Life is big. We are small. May you fall in love with the One who made the ocean and everything in it. May you grow up with the knowledge that you can be everything to your mama even though you may be nothing to the rest of the world. May you be secure enough in yourself and your Creator to know that worry and trouble are fleeting little blips on the radar. May you discover the wonder of the ocean and its inhabitants and know full well that if God made them to sing and leap and dance with joy then he made you for a purpose. May you find that purpose and use it to bring glory to Him. Be big in your smallness. Be great in your insignificance. And always, forever know you are loved.

Sing me a song, oh magical whale,
as you dive down deep with a flip of your tail
Spiraling down in a dance while you sing
in the dream of the sea that is bigger than me

Leap in the air, oh dolphin my friend!
Flipping and spinning and turning on end
Gliding through water on butterfly wings
in the dream of the sea that is bigger than me

Tell me a tale of some sea star scenes
Feeling with arms sensing moonlight beams
Crawling on sand with your suction cup feet
in the dream of the sea that is bigger than me

Feather-foot, feather-foot freedom is ours!
Darting for flying fish under the stars
Twirling in circles with grace and with glee
in the dream of the sea that is bigger than me

Hello little horn shark! What's this I hear?
You have spines but you're gentle-there's nothing to fear.
You rest on the bottom; with gills do you breathe
in the dream of the sea that is bigger than me

Sea turtle, sea turtle, is it instinct or age
that guides you each year to the one perfect place
where you lay down your eggs on a beach so pristine
in the dream of the sea that is bigger than me

From the smallest of plankton to the largest blue whale
All are made special, right down to their shell.
There is no need to worry about things you can't change
Someone much bigger is holding the reigns.
So rest now; sleep and dream this one dream
of the sea and its wonders all bigger than me.


  1. KP that is amazing! If this is the children's book you have been working on all these years .... it was worth the wait! I hope the right person reads this and wants to help you publish it.

    Mel :)

  2. aww, thanks mel! I miss you so much! hope you are doing well...
