Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Catching up

Well, we finally made the move from Wyoming to Texas. Mike graduated from school on March 23rd. Our last week in Laramie was spent having dinner with my two good friends I made while working at the bank (Heather and Jessica), visits from Mike's dad and our friends Mike and Ivy from California, and lots of packing. Our visitors got the pleasure of helping with packing and loading the truck. Thanks so much! We had to load up everything into the truck during a blizzard in Laramie and the next day when we left, one of the highways was closed! Thank goodness the other road out of town was open. It was almost like the town wasn't going to let us leave! We headed off to Texas and spent a couple nights with my parents and then made it down to my sister's house near Austin. She graciously let us stay with her family for a week while we looked for a place to live. Cheryl and my niece Katie got to babysit Jake a lot. He loved it. I have to say, I think he gets bored with me and Mike. He always seems in better spirits when other people are around. We found a nice three bedroom house to rent for a year in south Austin and are loving it. Mike is looking for a job and actually may have one as of tomorrow! I'm just so excited to be in a city I love where the weather is nice enough to get outside with the baby.


  1. Hooray, you are back to the blogging world. I kept checking in. I'm super excited for you guys being in a place that feels more like "home" (well, to you at least). And how great that the weather is nice now for walks!? We are starting to get spring weather hear and all I can say is "halleljuah!"

  2. Glad you made it to Austin. I was hoping you'd end up there. You'll have to take pictures of your new place and local hangouts. Yea for you!!!!!
