Monday, January 26, 2009

Just some random randomness

First and foremost I need to tell you that I have lost my cell phone. I think the last time I had it was Thursday afternoon. No clue where it is. If it's in this house the battery is dead because when I called the number I couldn't hear it ringing anywhere. So if you called the cell phone to wish me Happy Birthday Saturday please don't think I'm being rude by not returning your call. I just didn't actually get your call.

Jack is BACK! Times two. I'm thrilled that the new season of television has started because about all I feel like doing at the end of the day now is sprawling on the couch and watching TV. While eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Anyway, 24 is off to a good start with Jack Bauer just being his manly old self. I can't wait to see how it ends. Meanwhile on LOST, we have Jack Shepherd back as our hero trying to convince his fellow lost but now found castaways to go back to the island to save their friends. I thought the season opener was great although all the time travel made my head hurt just a little bit.

If you like cheesecake, you should make this chocolate chunk one. It was really good and really rich. Look, even Mister Crab wanted a bite.

I found this quote on another blog and I couldn't agree with it more. I wish I could come up with something so profound that people would quote me on it! Anyway, here's the quote by Isak Dinesen who was actually Karen Blixen, the author of Out of Africa. Google can teach you so much! Okay, now for the quote:

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." Love it! Had I been her I might have thrown in that chocolate can cure just about anything but I guess that would be straying from the whole salt water theme.

Lastly, at church today I actually asked the group to pray that I find my cell phone because no problem is too small for God. Someone prayed, I came home, I found my phone! So, thank you for all of the happy birthday phone calls Saturday!


  1. Give us the recipe for the delicious looking cheesecake. Mom

  2. is that the recipe i sent you? looks like it might be. if not, send it my way. :)

  3. suzanne, it's the same recipe and it was really good1
