Friday, June 12, 2009

Emma at three months

Little Emma is three months old today! This is the milestone I couldn't wait to reach because everyone always says things start getting easier around three months. I think this is true. We're adjusting to one more member in the family and Emma is starting to fall into some sort of routine now. It's easier to get both her and Jake out the door but poor little girl still HATES the car seat. So traveling is not so nice. Here are some of the things she's up to these days:

- Sits in her bouncy seat and watches her toys

- Holds her little hands.

- Coos, gurgles and smiles at us a ton!

- Wakes up very cranky (just like her mama)

- Sleeps for 7 or 8 hour stretches at night now

- Takes three good naps every day

- Enjoys bath time

- Watches EVERYTHING Jake is doing (I can tell that she can't wait until she can take off after him.)

- Flips from her tummy to her back and is close to going from back to tummy

- Makes us smile everyday

Here's Emma's three month picture and some we took of Jake when he was three months old.