Thursday, March 8, 2007

Twelve weeks

I took Jake to the doctor today to have him weighed. He was 11lbs and 15 oz. He's gaining but not as fast as he was before he got sick. They suggested I start drinking Mother's Milk tea five times a day and if that doesn't work start taking some medication to increase the milk supply. I'll try the tea for a week, but I'm still going to give him formula every day. And if the tea doesn't work then we will go all formula for the little guy. It's so crazy to me that doctor's really don't want you to formula feed babies these days.


  1. My guys were always formula fed and they are turning out just fine! I was formula fed too, as were many of us and except for those few nervous ticks, we're fine! :-)

  2. I'm so glad you took him in and weighed him. I think you would be happy with formula because you can always tell how much they are getting. We put you on formula from the beginning and you were always healthy and happy. Love, Mom

  3. Kim, bottom line, you guys have to do what's best for you. We all know that breastmilk is the best, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that baby can get that and he/she will still turn out just fine, like Laura said. My friend who is a lactation consultant says that 3 months is a good goal to shoot for, then 6 months, then 1 year. So, Jake has already had 3 months of breastmilk--good for you guys! I say try the tea and if it isn't helping, just move on. What's important is that Jake thrives and you know what is best for him. Don't let "mother guilt" set in. That's my two cents. :)

  4. I think you already know my thoughts on the matter!
