I'm vain. I'll admit it. I will say that in the last ten years or so I've stopped caring as much about how I look because mainly I've accepted that I just can't defeat the aging process. And I totally screwed up my skin by sunbathing without sunblock for so long. Also, I sunbathed with baby oil. Not good.
However, my hair has always been something I loved. Don't get me wrong. I have a complete love/hate relationship with it. I love it because it's thick and curly. I hate it because it's thick and curly. My hair is a little high maintenance. Hence the ponytail you will see me sporting on most occasions. I was also born with a cowlick in the hair that goes across my forehead. Therefore, I've never really gotten along with bangs. I love the idea of them. It's just that whenever I get bangs they don't lay flat across my forehead. They end up parting in the middle and who wants that?
Anyway, I decided that since I knew exactly when Emma was going to be born I was going to look good for the birth pictures. The pictures we have of Jake and I right after he was born are horrid. I'm bloated, my hair's a mess and I have at least three chins in all of the photos. So, I thought, this time I'll put on makeup and get my hair done and be all cute! Well. You can see how that worked out for me. Especially since I totally sweated off all of my makeup and the fluids they gave me before the surgery bloated my face to exponential proportions.

I made an appointment to get my hair done the day before our c-section. The owner of the salon called me about an hour before my appt. and told me that the girl who does my hair was no longer working for them as of that afternoon and could she reschedule my appointment for a later date with someone else? So, I explained how I was having a baby the next day and I really wanted to look cute for the pictures and she offered to cut my hair for me that day. She also graciously offered to give me a discount on the haircut! Turns out what she meant by discount was that she would charge me what the other girl normally charges me. How nice. Apparently the owner is a "master cutter" and normally charges $25 more than what her apprentices charge. So, clearly I was getting a bargain. I was also grateful that someone who had the hair cutting force so strongly within her would be handling my hair.
When I got to the salon, we had a discussion about my hair and the direction I wanted to go with it. I told her I would like to go in the cute direction. Basically, I wanted her to do my hair like the other girl did it. Short layers around my face, thin it out a little and don't cut off too much length or else I end up looking like a poodle or a Christmas tree. Plus, I absolutely have to be able to put it up in a ponytail because who are we kidding here, I'm not going to be "fixing" my hair every single day.
SO, imagine my surprise when I look up during the haircut and see her cutting bangs straight across my forehead. We had not discussed bangs at all. I had told her that I liked a little shorter layers around my face and to part my hair on the side to try to conceal some of my ginormous forehead. But I had not told her to give me bangs to conceal aforementioned forehead because I know I have a cowlick and bangs don't work on me. When I mentioned the cowlick to her (post bang cutting) she just said "oh, you can retrain that cowlick." Sister, you can lead a cowlick to the forehead, but you can't make it stick.
And now I have bangs. I haven't had bangs in at least fifteen years. I really hated them at first. I hated them so much that I thanked the lady for giving them to me and tipped her fifteen percent. I really need to learn how to take a stand. However, it has been six weeks since I was introduced to these bangs and now I kind of like them. At the very least, they hide the deep horizontal lines that have appeared on my ginormous forehead the last few years. Which I'm gonna say makes me look younger. What I don't like now is the rest of my hair. It just kind of hangs in my face which only further promotes the ponytail wearing. See what I mean?

Yet, totally cute with hair in a ponytail.

To sum up the whole Hair Saga '09, I have to say I've come away from this experience being pro bangs for awhile. But I am in need of a good stylist to fix the rest of my hair because this shag cut really only looked good when Janet wore it on Three's Company back in the seventies.