Well, Jake turned five on Dec. 14th and I'm just getting around to documenting the big day. That Wednesday was also our last day at Mother's Day Out for this semester. We have a nice three week break coming up. Anyway, his teachers let me bring in donut holes for the class snack on his birthday and they all sang happy birthday to him and he got to wear his very own birthday crown all day.
My mom and dad came to visit so they could be here also. We had a family dinner to celebrate. My sister was able to come which was so nice. I made baked potato soup, salad and sour dough bread. For the pi'ece de resistance, we bought Jake his very first ice cream cake. It was in the form of a soccer ball even. He couldn't have cared less. I think he was just birthdayed out. He didn't even want a piece of cake after dinner. What?! He has since tasted (and loved even) the cake so I feel that was $35 well spent. Who knew it cost so much to slap a little ice cream on some cake?
Jake was rewarded for making it to five with a TICKET TO SEA WORLD from my parents! He is counting down the days until Thursday when we will actually see our beloved Shamu in whale again. My sister (supposedly by way of recommendation from my niece Katie) bought Jake his first gun. Sure it's one of those Nerf things that shoots soft bullets that can't hurt anything. I'm just gonna say that Mike ambushed me while I was, ahem, using the potty the other day. Totally defenseless. Cheryl neglected to think about what my hubby would do with a gun in the house. I live in fear people. Fear.

Mike and I bought Jake a Leap Frog Explorer so he can play games and get ready for pre-school all by himself. Oh, I kid. I will totally play that game with him. Today, we had a minor scare about it though. The volume wasn't working. He had dropped it in the parking lot of WalMart the other day so I just knew he had already broken it after just five days. I was about to go on a litany about how important it is to take care of our toys and how I wasn't about to shell out more money on a brand new game when I googled the problem and discovered that there is an actual volume button on the toy that was just turned down. Problem solved.
All in all Jake had a wonderful birthday week. I can't believe he is five years old. He is the busiest, most talkative, most imaginative, funniest, most handsome and loving five year old I know. I'm pretty proud of him.