Mike and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary on Friday by taking Jake to Sea World for the first time. Why take the boy to celebrate our anniversary you ask? Because I had a free adult pass that had to be used by the end of the year and basically there were only two days left of the year that we could go. Friday was beautiful weather so we decided to go then. I'm so glad we did. The weather was gorgeous, crowds were minimal and we all had such a good time. We started off at the dolphin feeding pool where I adamantly told the guys that we were only going to be buying one $5 tray of fish. When that was gone five seconds later I sheepishly got back in line for another tray because we needed some good fish feeding photos. Here's what we got.

I know it's hard to tell, but that really is my arm feeding that cute dolphin.
Here are the pics I took of Mike and Jake feeding the dolphins.

Wow! You can see their faces and stuff. Neat.
Next, we saw sharks and jellies and fish, OH MY! The entire time we were there Jake kept asking where the penguins were. Ever since Mike let him watch March of the Penguins he has been talking non stop about penguins. So, when we finally made it to the penguin encounter our little boy was amazed. Here is the wall of penguins.

Can we just take a minute to talk about the size of my upper arms please? I know I'm too critical of myself sometimes but seriously how does someone relatively small have such ginormous upper arms? They look like something you should put on a stick, deep fry and serve at the state fair. I'm just sayin'.
We bought Jake a stuffed penguin that he has named Bobby and I'm afraid that Bobby may be taking over Mr. Crab's job of Jake's best friend. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. Mr. Crab has been with Jake from day one. He has seen Jake learn to crawl, walk, eat solids and a number of other things. And now I just feel like he's being tossed aside for something newer, younger and shinier. Bobby better watch out or he might find himself wearing cement shoes at the bottom of an iceburg or something.
Anyway, other highlights from the day included the sea lion, otter, walrus caper which was really cute. That was followed by the most amazing show of human acrobatic moves combined with diving and some dolphin and beluga whale tricks that I've ever seen. We were all in awe although we wished there was a little less human and a little more dolphin action going on.
We ended the day on a really fun note that was completely Mike's idea because I thought it was going to spell out absolute DISASTER. We took Jake on his first log ride. Actually, his first amusement park ride of any kind. He was a little skeptical but when the ride was over and we told him what a good time he had, he agreed whole heartedly. He just didn't want to do it again. And that's okay.
We had a wonderful time and I am so pleased that Jake loves ocean animals at this early age. It makes me so happy that he allows a crab and a penguin to join his cars with him in bed every night. I would love to show him the greatest show on earth someday-you know the one where you're on a boat in the Pacific and thousands of Common Dolphins come out of nowhere and joyfully leap, splash, jump, bowride and basically show off for awhile. But, since California insists on being too expensive for us to ever move back there I guess we will settle for an occasional trip to Sea World and some pictures of my arm feeding a dolphin.