Monday, October 8, 2012

The Wonder Years

Well, we spent the last four days with a sick boy and an overly emotional little girl. It's been wonderful. It's times like these when I look back at my young, idealistic, completely unrealistic twenty something year old self and I laugh at her. In the face. Because that girl thought that having small children was gonna be so much fun! Every day! Because we were going to spend the mornings together coloring pictures, blowing bubbles and possibly having pillow fights. Then we would go to Chick Fil A for lunch and come home and take naps. Long naps. Every single day. Then the kids would play nicely together or with their imaginary friends while I made dinner from scratch. Every single night. Then after dinner they would sit at my feet and read books while I watched reruns of The Cosby Show on TV. Oh, twenty something self. What were you thinking??

That girl had no idea she would be in a full body sweat first thing in the morning after spending 45 minutes trying to get that cute little angel dressed. Because Emma Mae cannot pick out her own clothes (it's too hard!) (and her legs don't work!) (and she's so tired!) But she also cannot wear anything we pick out because those clothes are too long! or too tight! or too loose! or, and this is my favorite, too itchy!

That girl didn't know she would still be getting up three or four times a night with sick little ones who are coughing and/or are afraid of the dark all of a sudden. Of course, that girl didn't know how much she could love those two little munchkins she would have someday either. So I guess that's the trade off.

Last week in school Jake was chosen to be the Star Leader. So that meant we got to make a poster board all about him and he got to take something for show and tell every day. Unfortunately, he had to miss school on Friday because he was sick so he didn't get to show off his beloved Shamu. He saved the best for last. (Don't worry, he opened with Crabby). He also was at risk for not being able to bring home this guy the last day. The Star Leader gets to bring home their class mascot for the weekend. Isn't Kindergarten fun?? I want to go! It's kind of how I pictured parenting would be back when I didn't have a clue what it would really be like.

So even though Jake wasn't feeling great we went to the school to pick up Skippy Jon so we could take him on some adventures so we would have pictures for the journal that Jake (and I totally mean I) had to fill out to take back to school tomorrow. We went to a pumpkin patch.

I'm pretty sure in each of these pictures that Emma Mae's saying "I'm itchy!" "These pants are itching me!"


  1. Just wait until she refuses to wear underwear. Katie was in Kindergarten when she decided underwear was itchy. We had to have underwear checks before we left the house every morning.

    1. awesome. she's already doing that but i thought it was more of an exploration thing. gross. i can't believe i just wrote that.

  2. Did I tell you about when we were in church and she crawled under the pew to get something? She was wearing a skirt and there was her bare bottom. The worst part was that she had already been to Sunday School. I have no idea how many people she flashed that day.

    1. hilarious! you should remind her of that story!
