Friday, November 9, 2007

If you give a baby a cell phone...

Well, it seems that Jake is needing to broaden his social horizons. I guess I'm just not enough for him anymore. I chase him around, feed him, clothe him, wash him, play peekaboo, make up songs for him and STILL he needs more. So, what I'm saying is that if you get a phone call from him don't be surprised. In the past week, he has called my parents three times, his daddy at work one time, and my sister one time. That I know of. He is completely obsessed with all things electronic. Just like a man. When he doesn't have my cell phone he's either got the remote control or he is deleting messages on the answering machine. So if we don't return your call please don't be offended, we probably don't even know that you left a message.

And if he DOES call you, remember that he can't really talk yet so apparently you will hear lots of buttons being pushed, some babbling and much dropping of the phone on the floor. Now, I must confess, I think he gets the phone obsession from me. Although I don't remember playing with the phone at eleven months, I do remember playing with it a lot from about five years on. I used to call the operator and hang up on her. One of the most terrifying moments of my childhood was the day I called her several times and hung up and then she actually called my house! I had NO IDEA operators could figure out where you were calling from. I don't remember if I answered and she chewed me out or if she asked to speak to mom to tell her I was playing with the phone. But, I do remember being scared! Almost as scared as the day I did something wrong and then heard police sirens coming down our street and I was convinced at four years old that I was going to prison for a long, long time. But that's a story for another time. Anyways, if you start getting what you feel are prank phone calls, please don't involve the local police, just say "Hey Jake, how's it goin'?" and wait for the little boy to hang up on you. After all, it's only a matter of time before he'll have to put down the phone so he can pick up the remote control to change the channel on the television.


  1. so funny!! A friend of mine told me once that she jumped in the shower super quick one day and gave her 1.5 year old a few toys to keep him company. When she got out, he was talking on the land line to a random elderly lady on the east coast! My friend grabbed the phone, profusley apologizing and the lady said, "honey, no one calls me any more so you can have him call me anytime." maybe jake will get a new phone pal! :)

  2. Tell Jake to give Grandpa and MeMaw another call today. It made our day! Love from both of us.

  3. suz, that is so funny! mom, i'm sure he'll be calling soon...

  4. DId you know Addison dialed 911 when she was 12 months and 2 policeman came to my house? It wasn't even programmed in the phone...she just dialed it on her own. Her phone days were over after that.

  5. I think I remember that! Crazy. Were the policemen laughing about it?

  6. Oh no it was no laughing matter for any of us. Even after I explained Addison had accidentally dialed them, they quizzed me about who was at the house with me (only Addison), where my husband was, and then they stayed outside my house for 20 minutes to make sure everything was okay. They were very stern about the whole thing, but it was nice to know that they do take the calls very seriously.
