Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Diet Diaries

Okay, I'm very happy to see that 8 in there. Enough about my weight. Except to say that I've been on a baking binge for the last week. First it was brownies made from scratch. For once, my family helped me eat them so I wasn't responsible for consuming the entire pan. Which is why I had to bake cupcakes yesterday. Today, I've had three. But only the tops. So my theory is that by eating only the top of the cupcakes I'm really just eating air that doesn't have any calories in it which is why I haven't actually gained weight this week. It makes sense, right? Heavy stuff sinks, so I leave the heavy calories at the bottom of the cupcakes uneaten and just make a meal of the top part with the light, airy calorie-free frosting. Works for me! Maybe I'll open up a bakery where I sell only cupcake tops so people can come in and enjoy themselves while losing weight. We'll see.

On to further exciting news. Let's look at them toes! I finally took advantage of a gift card Mike gave two Christmas's ago and went and got a mani/pedi. It was so relaxing. Thank you honey!

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