Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy is as crazy does

Yesterday morning I had to get up early to get ready for a doctors appointment. So Mike had to get up early to take care of Jake which he gladly does whenever needed. As soon as I got out of the shower I hear Mike calling to me. And he's asking me if I'm feeling all right. I said yes, why? He said because you put Jake to bed last night without a diaper on!

So the great diaper debate of September '08 began. I just KNEW I had put a diaper on that child. I remember thinking how cute his little butt looked in his boxer shorts with the diaper on underneath it. And besides, that is just part of our nightly routine that I would not forget. Right? But Mike assured me that when he went to change Jake's diaper downstairs yesterday morning that he had on boxer shorts sans diaper. He even brought Jake to me to show me.

I began to think I was going crazy. The boy had no diaper on and there was no diaper in his crib or on his bedroom floor or anything. I am extremely forgetful right now so just maybe I forgot the diaper. But then I checked his crib sheets and they were completely dry which would be impossible if he slept all night without any absorbant garment in close proximity to his body. Hmmn. I started to think maybe Mike was trying to make me think I was going crazy. You know, so he could put me in some sort of mental institution after the baby is born and run off with a younger woman.

Well, finally, Mike told me that he did find a wet, dirty diaper on the dining room floor. And he also told me that Jake had told him that morning that he pooped. So, I'm going to go ahead and put two and two together and suggest that somehow Jake took his diaper off downstairs because it was poopy and then somehow managed to pull his shorts back up. Now, if only we can teach him how to use wipies we'll be set! And I'm not crazy.

1 comment:

  1. That is about the age that we had to start duct taping the diapers on.....or else there were missing items in the morning and artwork on the walls..... just an FYI
