Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Day!

Happy Valentines Day to my wonderful hubby who loves me enough to give up his body pillow so I can use it now to get comfortable (more or less) at night. Thank you for listening to me complain on a daily basis now about what hurts and how uncomfortable I am being this pregnant. And thanks for taking over the cooking of most of our meals. I love you!

Happy Valentines Day to our cute little boy who has started giving spontaneous hugs and now either physically pulls me by the leg when he wants to show me something or holds out his hand and opens and closes it while making kissing sounds (much like he's calling the dog) to get me to follow him. I know your life is about to change little man. No matter how much you pull my shirt over my belly to hide baby Emma, she's coming Jake. She's coming! I love you and you'll always be my favorite boy.

And last but not least, Happy Birthday to my wonderful daddy! Today for some reason I'm remembering all the times you went outside with me to practice pitching, throwing and hitting a softball around. Hope you have a wonderful day! I've always loved being your little girl. Take care of my mama.

That's it for the sappy holiday wishes. I always hated Valentines Day because of the pressure to have a boyfriend to spend it with. And remember those stinkin' candy grams at school? There's no better way to lower a teens self esteem than to make them sit in class all day watching other people receive flowers and candy. Oh, the drama. If you find yourself single today, take heart. We've all been there. I recommend a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and a good friend to spend the day with. And just think of all the money you're saving by not having to buy someone a gift or take them out to dinner! Happy day everyone.

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