My good friend Mel wanted more specifics on Jake and his progress since she lives far, far away and doesn't get to see him in person. I'm happy to oblige.
First, the physical stuff. Jake has his daddy's eyes. They're light brown, sometimes hazel looking. His hair is dark blonde right now with the prettiest curls in the back and his daddy's rooster tail swirl. He's going to be in need of some serious hair gel when he gets older. When he was born we all thought he looked just like Mike. At this stage of the game, however, he's looking a little more like I did at that age. He's got my chipmunk cheeks, my mouth and my curls. Poor thing, he's even got the gap between his two front teeth that I had. Hello braces.
I don't have his current weight and height because once they hit the two year old mark they don't have to go in for appointments as frequently. I think he weighs about 26 lbs and although he's growing, he's still a little small for his age. However, he is VERY agile. One of my friends keeps saying that he's "springy". Perfect word to describe him. He jumps really well and runs really fast.
He likes to dance, play with his cars, go to parks and bouncy houses and watch his movies. (Current favorites are Cars and Horton Hears a Hoo.) We're still working on this whole sharing thing and playing nicely with others. It's a work in progress.
His vocabulary is amazing to me. He repeats everything he hears and is now starting to speak in simple sentences. He loves to tell me "stay here, be right back!" If he finds something he's been looking for he squeals "I FIND IT!" He still loves Mr. Crab and tells me whenever he thinks "Prabby needs a bath" so we stick him in the washer to get clean. His favorite toys right now are definately the little cars from the movie Cars. He still can't say his L's very well so instead of Lightning McQueen he calls it his Wikeekee car. I love it.
He is a bundle of energy and very hard to keep up with. But lately in the mornings, he's been cuddling with me on the couch while we watch Elmo and I try to convince myself I can make it through another day. He'll lay his head on my shoulder and just say "Mommy." And that's my favorite part of the day. If we've been apart for more than ten minutes and he comes into a room and sees me he usually runs up to me, hugs my leg and screams "MOMMY!" And that's my second favorite part of the day.
He's eating much better now, but still not so crazy about veggies. Sweets are a different story. There's a donut shop on the way to church that we sometimes stop at and now every time we drive past it we hear Jake in the backseat squealing "DONUTS! GOOD DONUTS!" He's a chip off the old block. He also loves hot dogs which makes me want to throw up but hey, it's a source of protein I think.
We love our little boy. Each day with him gets more and more fun and more and more challenging. I can't wait to see how Emma's going to fit in the mix around here!
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