I spent much of the 4th of July listening to 80's music. And it made me very, very happy. They just don't make music the way they did in the eighties anymore. I had the radio turned way up while I was cooking dinner and since Mike and Jake were upstairs I just let loose and I sang. And maybe I danced. It was pure joy.
I know I don't have a very good singing voice, but I LOVE to sing. I just usually do it in private. However, I was so overcome with emotion listening to my music that I decided to seranade my two boys. So I went to the bottom of the stairs and belted out "For Your Eyes Only" while Sheena Easton sang in the background. Mike and Turbo both came to the top of the stairs to see what was going on and to see if indeed a cat was being tortured downstairs.
I am not kidding you that Turbo saw me, heard me and then literally fell down on his back screaming before he just got up and ran away crying. Wow. Way to make a mama feel good son. Later on when he was finishing up dinner and I was cleaning up the kitchen "Stuck on You" by Lionel Ritchie came on. So I started singing. And Mike told me to look at Turbo. He was sitting there in his high chair with his hands covering up his ears. It was just rude.
Anyway, here are my top ten eighties songs that I heard on the radio Friday. Unfortunately, Jessie's Girl didn't get played. But let's just go on record as saying that is my all time favorite eighties song. Okay, it's my all time favorite song. And we all know who sings it right?
1.) "Amanda" by Boston. I spent so many days in high school wishing someone loved me the way that guy loved Amanda. "I'm gonna take you by surprise and make you realize Amanda. I love you!"
2.) "Sister Christian" by Night Ranger. Loved this song even though I really didn't know what it was about until we looked up the lyrics Friday. They really say "Motoring, what's your price for flight?" I guess motoring means she's driving?
Also, it took me awhile to remember that the band's name was Night Ranger instead of Lone Ranger. Evidently, Lone Ranger is some guy on a horse.
3.) "For Your Eyes Only" by Sheena Easton. My feelings are still a little hurt Turbo.
4.) "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton. I know this may seem like a weird choice. But it made me SO happy!
5.) "Separate Lives" by Phil Collins. I used to sit in my room and play this over and over while pretending I had a boyfriend and for reasons beyond our control we had to go our separate ways. It was so sad in a pretend kind of way.
6.) "Mandolin Rain" by Bruce Hornsby. The song speaks for itself.
7.) "Hands to Heaven" by Breathe. This actually was my one and only real breakup song. Nick Patterson was responsible for the broken heart and the incessant playing of this song.
8.) "Glory of Love" by Chicago. Really any Chicago song was my favorite back then.
9.) "Right Here Waiting for You" by Richard Marx.
10.) "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leopard. Shout out to Amy here and our crazy high school days cruising the streets of the big A with the windows down singing this song as loud as we could. Those were the days.
So, as so many bloggers before me have done, I would love to hear your favorite eighties songs! Leave them in the comment section!