Wednesday, February 9, 2011

If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all...

About two weeks ago Amy informed me that Rick Springfield will be in Austin in March performing at the rodeo. So naturally I got all excited and started saving money for a ticket. But I never did buy one. Then Amy and I started discussing the concert and although we were both excited about the prospect of seeing him neither one of us was dying to go because we just saw him a couple months ago. I KNOW. I can't even believe it either. We decided to think about it for a couple more days before we purchased tickets.

That was Sunday. Monday on my way home from work our JEEP which was already having some problems decided to lose its power steering almost completely. Mike took it to the shop Monday afternoon and they said they could have it ready by Tuesday evening. Just in time for us to pick it up so I could have it for work today. Tuesday evening rolled around and they finally called us to say that they ordered the wrong part so it wasn't going to be fixed until today. Yeah. We still don't have our car. The part got held up in Dallas due to the bad weather. Seriously.
I had to call my boss last night and tell her I couldn't come to work today because I didn't have transportation. At first she told me that she needed me to come in anyway. I had horrible visions of walking my children for an hour through freezing rain to get to work because they couldn't find me a sub. I think we all know that wasn't going to happen. Luckily, she found someone at 9:30 last night to come in for me.

That's the good news. The bad news is that we've had to shell out so much money for this car in the last five weeks that I think my Rick Springfield concert ticket issue has been decided for me. In fact I think any money related issue that doesn't involve gas, groceries or utilities has been decided for me for the rest of the year. Too bad I didn't buy the $500 autographed guitar they were selling at the last Rick concert we went to. I could probably sell it on EBay right now and pay off the JEEP. Although I think we all know that would never happen either.


  1. If Austin isn't too far from you he'll be at the Barnes & Nobble at 10000 Research Blvd. #158 in Austin from 7:30-9:30 for a book signing of his Memoir.

  2. oh my WORD! Debbie, you have just made my day! It is marked on my calendar and I'm looking for a babysitter! WOO HOO!
